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Supplies & Materials

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Woodworking tools are a major investment, so the Vermont Woodworking School provides every student with a starter tool kit to use while they're in the program. These kits are intended to provide experience with hand tools, enabling students to make informed decisions about which tools they want to add to their own collection.


In addition to that kit, we do ask that students bring some materials with them for their own personal use.

Material Requirements

What you'll need day one:

Safety Glasses

Keep a backup pair in case you lose or break yours. Eye trauma is no joke.

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Hearing Protection

It gets loud in the shop! You don't need anything fancy, but you'll want over-the-ear muffs that are comfortable.

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Sturdy, close-toed shoes

You'll want good traction and protection against dropped materials.

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Sharpening stones

We recommend Norton combination stones in grits 220/1000 & 4000/8000

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Keep your waterstones soaking in a plastic container so they're always ready to use.

Get these once you're here:

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Orbital sander & sanding disks

These sanders save a lot of time, especially when you're working on a large project. You wont need this till later in the semester, so you can wait to order one if you're not sure you'll want it.


Woodworking creates a lot of dust that isn't good for your lungs. You'll need a respirator when you're in the sanding room.


6" calipers - dial or digital works. You may want to make sure it can be read in fractions.

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2" Machinist square

A small machinist square is handy for marking out joinery or as an extra reference you can keep in a pocket.


We have a lot of clamps, but it can be nice having a few of your own to keep at your bench. 6" or 12" clutch-style bar clamps are useful.

Tool Kit

What we provide

Smoothing Plane

Block Plane

Card Scraper

Bevel Gauge

Mortise Gauge

6" Ruler

18" Ruler

Architectural Rule

Drafting Triangle

Measuring Tape

6" Square

12" Square

Marking Knife


Dozuki Japanese Dovetail Saw



Some classes at VWS include short readings from a variety of texts. We have copies of these books available for students to read in the barn, so you don't need to order any of these, but if you'd like to get your own please see the list below:

First Semester

Woodworking Basics: Mastering the Essentials of Craftsmanship

Peter Korn


Practical Design Solutions and Strategies

Taunton Press


Tage Frid Teaches Woodworking Book 1: Joinery

Tage Frid


Understanding Wood Finishing

Bob Flexner


Wood Turning A Foundation Course

Keith Rowley


Design! A Lively Guide to Design Basics for Artists & Craftspeople

Steven Aimone

Fourth Semester

Chairmaking & Design

Jeff Miller

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